I had an experience today that I want to share with you. I know there are those who don't believe that God can talk to you, or maybe just that you haven't heard Him yourself. I want you to know that God can talk to you through many different ways, and you can hear Him - if you are listening.
I'm remembering something that our pastor said last Sunday. He said, "As Christians, we're called to live out a private practice [our faith] publicly in front of the world." I believe God has laid it on my heart this afternoon to share this with you - a glimpse into my private faith given publicly here for others in the world.
So, a little background...our three-year-old nephew, Knox, got really sick last week. They found that he had a brain tumor. The doctors were able to successfully operate on him and remove the tumor, but he is still facing some difficulties as he recovers. All this and he is far away from family right now. They haven't been able to return since everything happened and cannot safely travel for a while now.
This afternoon, we learned that he had some seizures and a stroke the night before last.
That news hit hard.
A verse that I read yesterday came to me at that moment, though: The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. (James 5:16b).
Later this evening, as I was driving somewhere, alone, God and I had a talk. I cried and told Him how I felt about the situation, how I hurt for Knox, Kristen, Chad, Carol and Joy (grandmothers) and so many others. I prayed for healing, for no lasting neurological damage or other complications, for Kristen and Chad to turn to God and not away from Him and more. I told Him I trusted Him and knew that He would work through this situation, even if we didn't understand what He was doing. I prayed for Him to receive the glory no matter the outcome. I prayed for Him to tell me something.
Before I go on, I should tell you briefly that God sometimes uses the songs on the radio to speak to me. As I was praying (well, first, He made sure that a carpool opportunity wouldn't work out so that I would be completely open to hearing from Him), a song by Third Day came on the radio called I Need a Miracle. Here's the chorus:
Well no matter who you are
And no matter what you've done
There will come a time
When you can't make it on your own
And in your hour of desperation
Know you're not the only one
Prayin' "Lord above, I need a miracle."
It sounded somewhat like my prayer. Of course I believe He has and is working miracles already in this, and I know there are more to come. I trust in Him for that. I also thought of Chad and Kristen, of how they must be feeling like this and praying for that miracle, too. I could hear this being something Kristen would be praying.
The next song on the radio was Just Be Held by Casting Crowns. I think God was saying it somewhat to me, but then again, I felt as if it was something Kristen and Chad need to hear God saying to them, too. The lyrics of the whole song are so fitting that I'm just going to include a link to them, but the simple message is "stop holding on and just be held." They are trying so hard to be strong through all this, but it is okay to be broken and realize that this is beyond them. I am so thankful, as I know they are as well, for all the prayer warriors that have come together to pray for Knox and their family. Here are the lyrics: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/castingcrowns/justbeheld.html.
As I heard these songs, I was in tears, from the pain in my heart for my family and from praise to the One who answered my cries, reassuring me that He does hear me, He is listening, and He's got this one under control.
God does love you and wants you to come to Him. He sent His son Jesus to make it possible for you - for all who believe that Jesus came to pay the death sentence for your sins that keep you separate from God. He wants to hear from you and He wants to speak to you. Will you open your heart to Him? Be willing to be broken before Him. Admit that you cannot do this life on your own and you no longer want to. Ask Him to send the Holy Spirit to be your guide, your peace, your joy. Listen for His quiet whisperings to your soul. You'll know it's Him.
I want to give a praise shout for First Baptist Church of Marble Falls (TX), who had a special prayer during the services for Knox and his family this morning, and are sending the children's pastor and Knox's granny by plane to go see him tomorrow, and then back home. What an amazing gift!
Thank you to everyone praying for Knox.
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. - James 5:16
For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. - Matthew 18:20