Here are the Scripture memory tips that I shared recently with a Bible study group. They asked that I type up my notes and share it with them, so I did, and thought I'd share with all of you, too. One of the reasons to memorize Scripture verses and passages is so you can share them with other people. It is also nice to be able to recall them in your own circumstances, whether they be difficult or joyful.
I don't use all of these techniques (just most of them!) so pick and choose what would work best for you.
- If it's a long passage and you're struggling to memorize it, break it up into smaller chunks. Focus on one phrase and then add the next phrase to it.
- Repeat, repeat, repeat.
- Write down your verse(s) on index cards or sticky notes and put them where you'll see them (near kitchen sink, on bathroom mirror, near computer,...)
- If the cards get too familiar in a location so that you are not noticing them anymore, move them to another spot.
- Set alarms on your phone/watch to remind you to review your verse(s).
- Write a note on your to-do list to practice your verses.
- Have a set time of day at which you plan to practice verses (similar to having a set time for devotions/quiet time, exercise, etc.).
- Practice with someone else.
- Review previously memorized verses to keep from forgetting them. (Index cards or the app mentioned below are helpful for this.)
- Add motions. What hand motions can you use to recall the words?
- I demonstrated using an imaginary walkie-talkie for Proverbs 10:4, and touching the wrist and forehead for Deuteronomy 6:8. We call Philippians 4:19 our "street preacher" verse and, as such, have stood atop things to say it.
- Find or create your own music or rhythm/beat for the verse(s). Acts 5:29 has a good beat to it. Many Scripture songs can be found online, on Youtube, Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music, Amazon Music, etc. - whatever listening platform you have on your devices - or on cd. Some sources for Scripture songs that our family has used:
- "Sing the Word from A to Z" by the Harrow Family (for kids, but can be helpful for adults as well; I know I learned 26 verses this way!)
- "Seeds Family Worship" - They have 18 cds available on their website, and we have found many of their songs online, too (YouTube, Spotify).
- "Hidden in My Heart" - Scripture lullabies but good for any age
- The Corner Room and Sons of Korah are two groups I've listened to on YouTube who sing Psalms
- Psalm 91 by Sons of Korah and Psalm 46 by The Corner Room are ones I've listened to while memorizing those passages.
- Install the Remember Me app on your phone. This app lets you input which verses you want to memorize, choose your Bible translation preference, and will help you review your verses. Your practice moves up levels (i.e., Level 1 - you practice the next day, Level 2 - you practice three days later, Level 8 - the highest - you practice 99 days later). You can even choose different practice methods, such as a flashcard review (5 of your verses/passages or ALL your verses/passages).
- Say it out loud. Incorporating the oral motor movements and the auditory system helps make stronger neural pathways than just saying it in your head. This is also why writing the verse is helpful - strengthening neural pathways by engaging another modality (actually two - the kinesthetic/fine motor act of writing and the visual act of seeing the words).
If you have any questions about finding Scripture songs, using the app, etc., I'll be happy to help however I can.
Happy memorizing!
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. - Psalm 119:11