Tuesday, June 17, 2014

What Is It About Little Children?

Matthew 18:1-4 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

I was reading the above verses the other day and I started thinking, other than humility, are there other characteristics of little children that might make them more likely to enter the kingdom of heaven? I jotted some ideas down and wanted to post right away - but the internet was down that whole day - and then I got busy with other things... So here it is at this time.

Now, I know all kids are different and the things I mention below may not be salient in all children. They aren't always that apparent in my own children either, but they are things I think are commonly associated with young children.

1. Faith - Little children are ready to believe. Magicians amaze them. Miracles are very believable to them. They are willing to believe that something 'is' even if they haven't seen it.

2. Trusting - They only see the good in people and situations. They never think that someone would do something or offer them something harmful. That's why they have to be taught about 'stranger danger.'

3. Wanting to please and obey - Little children want to have others clap for them, smile and laugh when they do something cute or funny, praise them when they work hard or are nice to a friend. When they know they'll receive these positive responses for obeying the adults in their lives, they are willing to obey.

4. Risking - Little children often have less fear when trying new things. Unless they are taught to have fear, then the fears of injury, social reaction, etc. is absent. They will ride the skateboard down the slanted driveway face-first on their stomach, or wear that crazy outfit they just put together without any fear.

5. Creativity - Little children love to create and make. Whether it's a mud castle or fort, a collage of ribbons and beads, a painting, or a new game to play, they are creating something.

6. Joy - Little children tend to be happy. They are little bundles of smiles and giggles, ready to bring others to join in their mirth.

7. Love without limits - They love people without seeing skin color, size, age, differences in beliefs, and even some disabilities. Some visible, physical disabilities throw them off at first, mainly due to curiousity and not understanding about them. Unless they are taught to dislike or see problems with people, they are inclined to love and include them.

8. Curiosity - I just thought of this one as I typed the last idea, but kids are definitely curious. What will happen if they poke that anthill? What will happen if I don't put my shoes on like Mama told me to do? What will happen when we mix red and blue?

How can we as adults have these qualities?
1. Be willing to believe in miracles. Be willing to believe in God's power.
2. Trust of others can be hard, but give it a try. Trust God to be who He says He is and to do what He says He will do.
3. Have a desire to please and obey God.
4. Take some risks. We can really see God work when we move out of our 'comfortable' situations.
5. Think outside the box. How can we show God's love and our love to those around us? How can we share the importance of making a decision about what they believe about Jesus?
6. Joy - Smile. Laugh. Look for the good in people, things, situations. Yes, you will be late to work today, but maybe you avoided the wreck that happened this morning - or one that would have happened. Yes, your child just pulled up a good plant instead of a week, but be thankful that God has given you children and that they are trying to pull weeds. Look for reasons to be joyful - and smile!
7. Love without limits - Show love to people, no matter what they look like or believe. This doesn't mean you have to believe what they do or accept it as truth, or even stay quiet when they do or say things that are wrong, but you approach them in a loving way. Show that you care, even if you disagree.
8. Curiosity - Aren't you curious about what God can do? Aren't you curious about what God is already doing? If not, start looking around you. Ask God to reveal things that He is doing. Ask others what He is doing in their lives. Read about what is happening elsewhere.

Can you think of any other characteristics of little children that we should be displaying in our lives? Please share!

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