A New Appreciation
The nativity story of Jesus' birth has always been special to me, perhaps more so after having children of my own (and just growing in my faith). Jesus and Mary are usually the most poignant characters to me, but this year, I have developed a new appreciation for Joseph. He was integral in the earthly life of our Savior, but I think he is often overlooked, or seen as playing a small role.
Through Advent readings, Bible readings, messages in church services, participation in our church's Christmas on the Corner living nativity performances, watching the movie The Nativity Story and the short film The Chosen - these are some things that have stood out to me.
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Joseph showing Jesus to the shepherds Photo credit: Keith Mitchell, http://www.keithmitchell.photography |
Strength of Character
From the portrayals I have seen of Joseph, I believe he was a compassionate man who was considerate of his fellow men and women. I think he was thoughtful about his words and actions and how these would affect others presently and in the future.
He chose Mary to be his wife - Mary, who was called by an angel highly favored by God (Luke 1:28)! I'd say that would be a good choice! He must have seen her character as well, and not just her outward appearance.
When Mary was found to be pregnant, Joseph considered divorcing her quietly so as not to bring disgrace upon her (Matthew 1:19). Wow! He knew what was expected by his community. A woman found to be pregnant outside of marriage could be stoned! As hurt and disappointed as he must have been, he still did not bring an accusation against Mary, thus saving her from this punishment that would have brought her death, and Jesus as well! He was just going to drop the marriage arrangement and go his way.
Joseph, Mary, and Jesus Photo credit: Henry Huey Photo hueyphoto.com, @HenryHueyPhoto |
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Joseph showing Jesus to shepherds Photo credit: Keith Mitchell, http://www.keithmitchell.photography |
We don't know how long Joseph lived, but we know that he helped raise Jesus (Luke 2:39-52). He raised a child who was not biologically his own. Again, this would be something hard to do in his society at that time. Not only that, but he raised him well! He was an involved father. He taught him about the Scriptures. They went to the Passover feast every year - and probably participated in all the other feasts as well. When Jesus was twelve and they realized he wasn't with them as they traveled home after the Passover feast in Jerusalem, both parents returned and anxiously searched for Jesus. Joseph was there when Jesus was found talking to the teachers in the temple. Along with Mary, Joseph marveled and was amazed by Jesus (Luke 2:33). Joseph had a part in Jesus' growth "in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man," (Luke 2:52).
Joseph was an humble man who did not seek to elevate himself through Jesus or anyone else.
Strength of Faith
Not only was Joseph a man of character, but he was a man of great faith. As mentioned above, he made sure his family attended the appointed feasts and festivals. He knew the Scriptures and he followed Mosaic law.
He listened for God. Four times are recorded that God sent an angel to communicate with Joseph in dreams (Matthew 1:20-21, 2:13, 2:20, 2:22). Joseph had faith and a relationship with God in which he prayed and listened expectantly for a response. He was able to hear from God (through the angels and dreams) because He intentionally sought God's presence and direction.
Not only did Joseph hear from God through the angels and dreams, but he obeyed! Immediately! Matthew 1:24, 2:14, 2:21-23). He recognized the communication from God as real and trustworthy. He knew that it was right. He obeyed without delay each time, and in so doing, he provided Jesus with a father and a family, he saved Jesus from the infanticide inflicted by Herod as well as future danger from him until the death of Herod, and saved Jesus from danger of Herod's son. Prophecies were fulfilled because of Joseph's obedience (Isaiah 7:14, 8:10/Matthew 1:20-25, Hosea 11:1/Matthew 2:14-15, Matthew 2:23).
Joseph and Jesus Photo credit: Henry Huey Photo hueyphoto.com, @HenryHueyPhoto |
May we all learn from Joseph.
May we be mindful of others around us, always considering how our words and actions affect them now and in the future. May we live upright lives of integrity, so that we may draw others to God (Matthew 5:16). May we do what we are supposed to do, even when it's hard. May we live lives of strong faith and personal relationship with God so that we will hear when He speaks. May we learn to obey immediately. In so doing, we will receive many blessings, share many blessings with others, be a part of God's plan here on earth, and bring glory to God.
May we be in awe of our Savior.
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Joseph and Jesus Photo credit: Keith Mitchell, http://www.keithmitchell.photography |
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