Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Today's Lesson: Honesty

5:07 a.m.: Wake up to go to the bathroom. Realize my alarm is set to go off in only 8 more minutes, so I turn it off. I have it set so I can get up before the kids wake up and do some Bible study. I feel prompted by the Holy Spirit to get up anyway, but I really want to stay in bed. I decide to lay there and just start my day with praying, which I usually do if I wake up before a child, but I continue to feel prompted to get up.

5:19 a.m.: I finally relent and get out of bed. I settle myself on the couch with my Bible and notebooks. Back to Proverbs today. Chapter 24. I got through only a few verses before the youngest awoke and the ones I wrote down were verse 26 (An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.) and verse 28 (Do not testify against your neighbor without cause, or use your lips to deceive.) How are you going to use that today, Lord?

5:30 a.m.: Wondering why in the world I was prompted to get out of bed only a few minutes before my child and only read a few verses, two of them having to do with honest answers. Of course, I also think that I would have gotten at least a little further if I had actually stayed up at 5:07 instead of waiting until 5:19.

Later that morning (around 10:30?): My daughter is confronted with a choice to tell the truth or lie. I realize that maybe my verses this morning were meant for this moment. I share with my daughter what I had read. She chooses to tell the truth.

About 5:30 p.m.: We're taking a walk and my daughter starts to pout because we wouldn't let her run ahead and be silly like her Daddy had just done because a car was coming and we wanted her to wait and be safe. She refused to talk or walk, so we decided to head home unless she changed her attitude. After a few steps back in the homeward direction, she decided to turn around and choose to change her attitude. My husband asked her if she was pouting. She said she wasn't pouting and when we thought she was, she was just looking at her babies. (She was pushing two dolls along in a doll stroller for our walk.) We called her on the lie and reminded her about doing the right thing no matter what, even if it's the harder thing to do. Hmm, this was the second opportunity to talk about honesty today.

Even though I only got through a few verses this morning in only the five or so minutes I had alone this morning, the Holy Spirit most definitely had a word for me today that applied to the circumstances that would arise through its course. Praise God that He knows what we'll go through even before we do - and that He is able and desires to prepare us.

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